How can we help?
Code of conduct
Suitsme documents
Anywhere that the Code of Conduct refers to client, this refer to the client, their family and their informal supports
We refer to all our policies and procedures as documents. We try to make it really easy to access and understand our documents; we present as much information as we can in videos, and you can find all our documents on our website. We expect you to follow these documents. We also expect that if you’re not sure what to do, you’ll check and read the policies and procedures and, if you’re still not sure, you’ll call your manager.
The Privacy Statement document is very important and we encourage you to read it. The main things you need to understand are:
- You need to treat client information as private and confidential.
- Whether you’re at work or in your personal time, never talk about a client without them there, or without their permission.
- If you are talking to or about a client on the phone, make sure you do that in a private place where others can’t overhear your conversation.
- You need to maintain the security on your phone by having a screen lock with a password.
As an employee of Suitsme you must:
- Work in a manner consistent with Suitsme’s mission, vision and values.
- Work in a manner consistent with the National Disability Service Standards, the NDIS Code of Conduct and the NDIS Practice Standards.
- Treat your own safety as your number one priority. This includes:
- Calling 000 in the case of an emergency or client crisis, not trying to resolve it yourself.
- Reporting incidents as per Suitsme’s policies and processes.
- Not smoking while you are on shift.
- Obeying all relevant laws.
- Driving safely.
- Uphold your duty of care to clients and to Suitsme.
- Strive to maximise choice and control for clients.
- Maintain professional boundaries.
- Never handle, administer or provide advice on medication. Refer clients to their pharmacist or doctor if they need support with this.
- Proactively identify and report abuse, neglect and restrictive practices inflicted on clients.
- Always be professional, courteous, honest and fair in dealing with clients and their families, carers, co-workers, managers and the general public.
- Attend any shift you have accepted. If you are cancelling a shift you need to follow the cancellations’ document. If you are sick you will have to provide evidence of this.
- Let Suitsme know immediately if anything happens which may impact your ability to safely fulfil your role. Some examples are:
- You are convicted of a crime.
- You become mentally or physically unwell.
- You are seriously physically injured.
- There is a change to your visa or right to work in Australia.
- You lodge a worker’s compensation claim with another employer.
- You lose your driver’s licence
- Never discriminate, bully, harass, or victimise anyone in any way.
- Never handle a client’s money or bank card. If a client asks you to take money to buy them something, report this as an incident.
- Never come to work if you’ve been taking drugs or alcohol. If you need help with a drug or alcohol problem, you can find support here Looking after yourself
- Let us know if you are on medication that can affect your cognitive processing and provide evidence from a doctor that says you’re ok to work.
- Never represent yourself as a spokesperson for Suitsme without permission from Suitsme’s Directors; this includes in the media and on social media. You are, however, welcome to contribute to Suitsme’s online community and make comments about Suitsme on social media.
- Ensure the time you spend with clients reflects the roster in the app. If something happens and you need to stay longer or leave early you must record this in the app.
- Never propose or accept any arrangement to provide supports to someone outside of Suitsme or the app
- Wear enclosed shoes and dress in neat, clean clothes that are appropriate for the activities you are doing that day. Consult with clients about what appropriate attire looks like to them and try to accommodate their requests where appropriate.
Conflict of interest
- You must not use work time for private gain. Some examples of personal gain are:
– Taking personal calls while on shift.
– Doing your own shopping while taking a client shopping.
- At work, your responsibilities are to the client and Suitsme. If you think there is a conflict of interest between the client and Suitsme please let us know by emailing
- If you identify any real or perceived conflict of interest between your interests and those of Suitsme or a client, inform your manager immediately.
- Don’t accept gifts worth more than $20 from clients.
- Let your manager know if you receive a gift worth less than $20 from a client.
Any intellectual property generated by Suitsme employees belongs to Suitsme.