
How can we help?

Development resources

The resources below are free or low cost and can be accessed by clients or workers. 

Any client can direct their worker to complete a specific unit. If a client requests this then the unit should be completed during a booked session with that client.

Workers may also choose to access these resources in their own time for their own personal development.

Workers are encouraged to list any completed units in their profile.


WA Mental Health Commission

The Mental Health Commission provide a couple of resources that we recommend. The first is called “Mental Health Act (2014)”. It’s a set of units that cover the mental health system in WA and client’s legal rights under the Mental Health Act. The second is “Introduction to Alcohol and Other Drugs (2nd Edition)”; the name says it all.

Follow this link to access these; you  will need to create an account.

TSP For All

Free online training modules that you can take. They are designed for people working for mental health providers and supporting NDIS participants, but they may be useful for anyone wanting to understand how the NDIS works. Follow this link to access these

Mental Health Professional Online Development (MHPOD)

MHPOD provides a wide range of units. To access them, you or your worker just need to follow this link and create an account. Here are a few that we think are useful:

  1. NDIS Review Processes
  2. Carer advocacy
  3. Carer participation
  4. Recovery
  5. Recovery based practice
  6. Skills for promoting physical health
  7. Skills for supporting consumers to study or work
  8. Social relationships: working with families
  9. Social wellbeing, connection and belonging
  10. Trauma and mental health
  11. Cultural awareness
  12. Culturally sensitive practice
  13. Classification of mental disorders
  14. Citizenship and recovery
  15. Strategies for working with people at risk of suicide
  16. Working with people who self-harm

If you identify with one of the specific conditions or situations in this next block it could be worth getting your worker to complete the unit with you:

  1. Acquired brain injury & sensory impairment
  2. CAMHS and youth MH: conditions and assessments
  3. CAMHS and youth MH: interventions
  4. Dual diagnosis – i.e. mental health and AOD
  5. Dual disability – i.e. mental health and another disability
  6. Eating disorders
  7. Gender issues in mental health
  8. Impact of medical conditions
  9. Living with chronic ill-health
  10. Mental health histories and MSE (Mental State Examinations)
  11. Mental health care for Indigenous Australians
  12. Mental health for older persons: conditions and assessments
  13. Mental health for older persons: interventions
  14. Mental health for same-sex attracted persons
  15. Working with people with borderline personality disorder
  16. Working with people with forensic histories or at risk of offending

Then there’s a whole host of other modules which are all good, though some are probably more relevant than others.

LGBTI+ inclusion

Reimagine provides some great resources that were co-designed by people from the LGBTI+ community who have lived experience of mental health concerns, their carers and chosen supports. The resources on this hub give personal stories and experiences as well as advice on engaging with the NDIS.

QNADA provides this training that, although developed for clinicians of AOD services, is helpful for anyone.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) Inclusion

ATSI Reimagine: The NDIS journey can be hard, but worth it. The NT-Darwin mob have shared stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their experiences of the NDIS, getting a plan, and how it can help. This Hub was ‘co-designed’ (created and built) with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with lived experience of mental health concerns, and their mobs. These resources were made for you – to help you along your NDIS journey.

Becoming a friend of the First Nations Disability Network enables access to webinars podcasts and training around for ATSI people, their carers, support workers and advocates

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) inclusion

The Centre for Culture Ethnicity and Health (CEH) provides these trainings for workers who work with CaLD people or communities and anyone with an interest in making themselves more aware of the field. You first need to join and membership is free.

CaLD Reimagine Resources for the NDIS. The resources on this hub give personal stories and experiences as well as advice on engaging with the NDIS.

Working with Interpreters is a 40 min workbook to guide you on when and how to effectively access interpreter services.

Person-Centred Practice Across Cultures is a series of resources focusing on the crucial importance of cultural awareness and sensitivity in disability support and service delivery. Fourteen workbooks assist you to be sensitive to and maximise cultural and linguistic diversity in your work. They cover issues such as choice and control for CaLD customers, attracting people, engaging with local communities, bilingual workers and interpreters, and the business case for culturally sensitive service delivery.

Family and Relationships

Relationships Australia offers workshops and courses ranging from single workshops to eight-week courses. They offer a broad selection of topics reflecting the complexity of contemporary life. Many are low cost and available to complete online.