
How can we help?

Management Support Outside of Business Hours

What are Suitsme’s business hours?

Suitsme delivers support 7am – 7pm (AWST) 7 days per week.

Suitsme’s business hours are 7am – 5pm (AWST) Monday- Friday. Outside of these times, Suitsme’s phone system (6115 0013) will go to voicemail and emails to hi@suitsme.app will not be responded to.

This leaves a gap where services are being delivered, but the usual means of communication are not available. During these times, Suitsme operates on-call to respond to incidents/concerns that are logged in the app.

As a worker, how can I prepare for delivering support outside of business hours?

Prior to accepting a session with a client, you must read their profile, and especially their safety plan. If you have questions about the client, you must contact Suitsme management as soon as possible. 

If you are working with a client 2:1, you must ensure you have the contact details of the other worker who is rostered on with you.

If you are unable to resolve your concerns prior to a session (e.g. you get a short notice session request on the weekend), then you should decline the session.

What if I need urgent support or advice?

If there is an emergency, call 000.

On-call is not an emergency service and will not be able to resolve a crisis for you. If an incident occurs then follow Incident Management

As part of following Incident Management you will log an incident report in the app. Once you do this, on-call will see it and follow up with you.

If you are not providing immediate support, what is the point of on-call?

The purpose of on-call is to:

  • provide post incident debrief, support and follow up
  • assess whether further follow up is required immediately or it can wait until business hours
  • check in with you and the client if either of you are injured
  • ensure reportable incidents are reported to NDIS QSC

At a minimum, on-call will acknowledge that you have reported the incident/concern.