
How can we help?

Staff Development

What development does Suitsme offer?

Development Resources

Suitsme provides development resources that are intended to increase your knowledge in specific areas. For example, we have a resource on NDIS Review Processes.

We encourage clients to advise you if they would like you to access a specific development resource. If they do request this, you need to complete the training while on shift with that client. You will get the most out of the training if you and the client do it together so they can explain how the general information relates to their context.

The resources are available for you to access for your own personal development; however, you won’t be paid to complete any training that is not mandated by Suitsme or a client.

Just like you, Suitsme is always trying to be better, so we often add new resources. We are always open to suggestions about what resources would be helpful to add next so please get in touch.

What other development opportunities are there?

Training is one way that we can learn, but there are lots of others:

Learning from clients:

Suitsme is your employer and you do have responsibilities to Suitsme, but in your day to day work the client is your boss. Clients are experts in their own lives and in managing their own mental health; there is a lot they can teach you.

Clients can access all of the development resources that Suitsme offers. Suitsme also offers information and resources specifically for clients on how they can guide you about the way they want to be supported.

Sometimes strategies that one client finds helpful will be helpful to other clients, sometimes not. The important thing is that you listen to clients so that you can learn from their expertise.

Learning through supervision:

Every month we provide training and supervision sessions online. Keep an eye out for emails from hi@suitsme with dates and details for each month’s sessions. You are always welcome to attend for your own professional development.

You are required to attend a certain number of sessions each year. How many depends on how many hours you are working with us. We’ll let you know if you have to attend and we’ll pay you to attend compulsory sessions.

Learning from the Suitsme community:

Suitsme operates and drives an online community. Suitsme posts regular content including development resources, wellbeing tools, community resources and events. Suitsme encourages clients and staff to share stories and learnings on our social media pages (as long as it fits with Suitsme’s privacy and confidentiality policy).

Getting actively involved in Suitme’s online community is a great way to share your learnings and learn from others. It’s also a great way to connect with other Suitsme workers, share ideas and support each other.

Learning through feedback:

Suitsme monitors your performance based on key measures and feedback actively sought from clients. If we identify opportunities for development, we’ll contact you directly to discuss them. You can also request support by contacting Suitsme management.

Career development

Does Suitsme provide me with opportunities to progress my career?

Yes, Suitsme provides opportunities for you to progress your career by moving into other roles within Suitsme. As a support worker, your next step could be:

  • Recovery coach – work directly with clients to implement and coordinate the NDIS plan and build their capacity
  • Engagement and Recovery Lead – bring new clients in to Suitsme and provide ongoing active client management
  • Client Experience Officer – ensure the highest level of client experience by arranging sessions, seeking feedback and supporting clients to utilise their funding effectively.

Suitsme strongly encourages existing support workers to apply for other roles within Suitsme.

What support do I get from Suitsme?

You are not alone. Suitsme management are available to support you.

You can contact Suitsme management:

  • Via phone or email between 7am – 5pm (AWST) Monday – Friday, or
  • By logging an incident or concern in the app 7am – 7pm (AWST), 7 days

You should contact Suitsme management if:

  • You want to debrief after an incident.
  • You are concerned about a client, but it is not an emergency (if it’s an emergency, call 000).
  • You have read a Suitsme document and need clarification on it.
  • You want take leave (permanent full-time and part-time staff only).
  • A Suitsme document instructs you to contact Suitsme or Suitsme management.

Suitsme management will contact you:

  • On a regular basis to check in (the frequency will depend on how many hours you work).
  • To pass on specific feedback from clients.
  • If there are any concerns about your performance.
  • After a serious or critical incident.

Will I ever see Suitsme management?

All going well, you might not see them in person. Suitsme is a big fan of technological solutions; they make us more efficient which means better value for clients. Therefore, we try to have all contact through phone, email, facetime, etc.

There are some occasions where an in-person meeting works best. These are generally HR processes such as performance management or dealing with a dispute or grievance.

Suitsme seeks to build familiarity between managers and workers through our digital community. We also look for opportunities to bring the Suitsme digital community together in real life. You may well meet Suitsme management face to face at a Suitsme event.