
How can we help?

Suitsme’s Prices

Suitsme rates as per the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.

From 1 July 2024 our price for core support on a weekday is $67.56 per hour.

All the details and rates for other services shown in the table below:

Core supports

Name in the appSocial, community and recreation
Support categoryAssistance with social and community participation
Support item number04_104_0125_6_1
Support item nameAccess Community, Social And Rec Activities
DescriptionProvision of support to enable a participant to engage in community, social and/or recreational activities. Support delivered by a TTP provider.
Weekday daytimeWeekday eveningSaturdaySundayPublic holiday

One Off Establishment Fee

Name in the appn/a
Support categoryAssistance with daily life (includes Supported Independent Living)
Support item number01_049_0107_1_1
Support item nameEstablishment Fee For Personal Care/Community Access
DescriptionYou will only be charged this fee if you have contracted us to deliver at least 20 hours of Access Community, Social And Rec Activities per month for at least three months.

Capacity Building Supports

Name in the appAccommodation and tenancy
Support categoryImproved living arrangements
Support item number08_005_0106_2_3
Support item nameAssistance With Accommodation And Tenancy Obligations
DescriptionSupport is provided to guide, prompt or undertake activities to ensure the participant obtains and/or retains appropriate accommodation. May include assisting to apply for a rental tenancy or to undertake tenancy obligations.
Weekday daytimeWeekday eveningSaturdaySundayPublic holiday
$77.00$77.00n/a n/a n/a
Name in the appConnecting with a mentor
Support categoryIncreased social and community participation
Support item number09_006_0106_6_3
Support item nameLife Transition Planning Incl. Mentoring, Peer-Support And Individual Skill Development
DescriptionEstablishing volunteer assistance within the participant’s home or community to develop skills. For instance, assistance in attending appointments, shopping, bill paying, taking part in social activities and maintaining contact with others.
Weekday daytimeWeekday eveningSaturdaySundayPublic holiday
$77.00$77.00  n/a  n/a  n/a
Name in the appLife skills
Support categoryIncreased social and community participation
Support item number09_009_0117_6_3
Support item nameIndividual Skills Development And Training
DescriptionIndividual life skills development and training including public transport training and support, developing skills for community, social and recreational participation.
Weekday daytimeWeekday eveningSaturdaySundayPublic holiday
$77.00$77.00  n/a  n/a  n/a

Name in the appSocial skills
Support categoryImproved relationships
Support item number11_024_0117_7_3
Support item nameIndividual Social Skills Development
DescriptionSocial skills development with an individual, for participation in community and social activities.
Weekday daytimeWeekday eveningSaturdaySundayPublic holiday
$77.00$77.00  n/a  n/a  n/a
Name in the appn/a
Support categorySupport Coordination
Support item number07_101_0106_6_3
Support item nameRecovery Coaching
DescriptionPsychosocial Recovery Coaching
Weekday daytimeWeekday eveningSaturdaySundayPublic holiday

Travel and Transport

Name in the appTransport
Support categoryTransport
Support item number04_590_0125_6_1
Support item nameActivity Based Transport
DescriptionTransport is when a Suitsme worker drives you somewhere in their car.
Price$1.00 per km
Name in the appn/a
Support categoryTravel KMs
Support item number04_799_0125_6_1
Support item nameProvider Travel – Non-Labour Costs
DescriptionTravel (non labour costs) cover the kms a Suitsme worker drives to get to you, from another client.
Price$1.00 per km

Travel is when a Suitsme worker has to travel from another client to get to you. In addition to the Non-Labour Costs, you will be charged the worker’s travel time staff, up to 30 minutes, at their usual rate for that session. Rates vary as above.