
How can we help?

Supported decision making

Having choice and control means your decisions are heard and respected. This is a basic human right and it’s the foundation of self-direction. Supported decision-making is when people with disabilities get support to make or act on their own decisions. 

Suitsme’s model and app

Good support depends on what makes sense to each client. Suitsme’s app and service model is set up to empower and enable clients to choose the best person to support them.

Client’s can:

  • Read worker profiles in the app, at their own pace and in their own time to find the best fit for them. This is often based on:
    • similar interests
    • certain personalities
    • certain skills and talents.
  • Change worker at short notice if they find a better match
  • Get support from Suitsme to review and identify suitable workers, including having information presented in a way that suits them.

Informal Supported Decision Making

Suitsme will work with clients to identify key contacts and record the roles your informal supporters (friends, family, etc) play in supporting you to make decisions. With your permission, we will involve them in decision making processes.

Suitsme acknowledges that neither Suitsme (the entity) nor Suitsme staff can lawfully make decisions on behalf of clients.

Dignity of risk

Suitsme respects every client’s right to dignity of risk. This means that when a client identities a goal that is risky, Suitsme will:

  1. Support you to understand the risks
  2. Work with you to manage the risks
  3. Respect your decisions

Limits to dignity of risk

  • We have a legal duty of care to prevent you from undertaking an activity that is likely to result in your death or you becoming permanently, seriously disabled.
  • Suitsme staff cannot support you to engage in illegal activities
  • Suitsme staff cannot provide support if it puts them at risk of physical or psychological injury. 
  • In some situations Suitsme is legally required to respect decisions made for a client, by a formal decision maker, for example a Legal Guardian, Involuntary/Community Treatment Order or NDIS Plan Nominee. In these instances, Suitsme will make every effort to involve the client in the decision making process. 

More info

This video by The Workplace Mental Health Institute does a great job of explaining duty of care and dignity of risk.


For further information about Supported Decision Making, Suitme recommends the resources provided by WA’s Individualised Services. https://waindividualisedservices.org.au/resources/supported-decision-making/