
Coping With Depression

Depression is a widespread mental health condition that can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or background. It can cause great distress and negatively impact our quality of life. It can be difficult to reach out for mental health support and take the necessary steps to set yourself up for success, but there is support available to help people cope with depression and make positive changes in their lives.

Why is dealing with depression so difficult?

Dealing with depression can be incredibly difficult, as it can affect your daily life, motivation, energy levels and thoughts. Depression can manifest in numerous forms such as low moods, exhaustion, difficulty sleeping and a lack of interest in activities that were once enjoyable. 

One factor which makes dealing with depression so difficult is the feeling of isolation and disconnection, it can be difficult to reach out for support and feel understood. 

Those who experience depression also feel that there is a stigma around mental health, meaning even reaching out for help can be a barrier.

Tips to reach out for support

The most important tip when it comes to reaching out for support is to allow yourself to trust those around you. Talking openly about depression and your experiences is a great way to start feeling supported. Seek out friends and family who are willing to listen and let them know what kind of support would be most helpful. 

It can also be helpful to seek out external support, such as counselling or therapy, which can offer guidance and insight into dealing with depression. There are also plenty of online resources available which offer mental health support, such as SuitsMe.

Do things that make you feel good

It is important to focus on finding activities that make you feel good, even if it is something small. This can include getting outdoors and going for a walk, connecting with nature, or spending time with friends.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet

Eating a healthy and balanced diet can have a positive impact on both physical and mental health. Eating nourishing foods can help to boost mood and regulate energy levels. 

Challenge negative thinking

A key element of managing depression is challenging negative thoughts and emotions. Overthinking negative thoughts can be damaging, so it is important to challenge these negative thoughts with more realistic and positive ones. For example, if you are feeling down and telling yourself that you are worthless, try to challenge that thought by reminding yourself of your strengths and accomplishments. 

Also try to focus on the positives rather than the negatives, such as focusing on the fact that you have taken action to manage your depression and reached out for support.

Finding Support for Depression

Overall, managing depression can be incredibly difficult, but some steps can be taken to better cope with symptoms. It is important to reach out for support.

At Suitsme, we specialise in helping people with their mental health. We know how to provide really good support tailored to your situation. Our support workers all have expertise in mental health; they are checked, screened and employed by Suitsme. Get mental health support today.